

The Idiot Complex. A question of boundaries, or the tension between their being, and being there; being so much wherever you are, that you is not there. The principle of poetry. The word that straddles with its compass points both instance and meaning. That word brings maximum or acutely focussed meaning to the instance. Words weighted, carefully balanced. Words waiting for their moment. The moment of a word. Not to be felt too strongly, for danger of falling into its black hole singularity. Black holes are an ultimate singularity. Individuals of universal mass, that cease to be individuals and can only really be classified as a force or a consciousness. Or perhaps a brand. The famous, never real. The desire for the superstar, the person whose personality is overwhelmingly vast, that elevates the principle and possibility of personhood to galactic proportions, momentarily solving the problem of where we end, and where we begin. With black holes. Marked cattle. Illicit passions. See how they proliferate!

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